Thursday, July 8, 2010

2009/2010 activity at the Tollhouse

Hello Everyone,
I apologize I have not blogged in about 13+ months, but I simply didn't think there was anything necessarily blogworthy (thanks Fern!). That may or may not be actually true but that's my story and I'm sticking to it :)
Let's see, activity since the last post in May 2009... I have loved and lost in that time. Her name was Debbie. I shall not go into detail as it would be unfair to her. However, we were together about 5 months and she left the relationship last Fall. Around that time, I acquired a new tenant whose rent would help me to cover mortgage and expenses until now. He just moved out after losing his job, so if you hear of anyone in the DC area who would like to rent a room for 450 including utilities please let me know.
Had a couple of huge snowstorms last winter, one of which dumped almost 2 feet of snow and that happened hear back in 2003, so I knew what to expect: LOTS OF SHOVELING. Also, a large tree limb cracked under the weight of the snow and the end fell onto the propane tank. Just the smaller branches actually touched, plus with so much surrounding, it wasn't much of an impact thank goodness.

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