Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April showers and May flowers

It just occurred to me that I have not posted any pictures yet! I just figured out how and the first is the Tollhouse itself. Thought to be built ca. 1850, it is NOT the tollhouse for the bridge. I have it on good authority (a previous owner) that the bridge tollhouse was washed away in the 1936 flood. We (my contractor and I) believe the house to possibly be the Ferry tollhouse, for the Ferry that pre-existed the covered bridge that was built in the late 1850's. The Ferry was called "Waltman's Ferry" and that ferry service likely started around 1820. In a later post, I will show a picture of a portion of the house prior to restoration that possibly dates the house.

April has been very very wet in my opinion for 2009 at the Tollhouse. I am reminded of the saying "April showers bring may flowers." Well May is not quite here yet, but as you can see the flowers, they are a bloomin'! VDOT planted the bulbs (along the road in front of the house) last Fall and ever since I've been wondering what they were. It now appears they are Daffodils, yellow flowers with orange trumpets. Sometimes they seem absolutely flourescent. What a thrill!


  1. Hi Kurt, The house is really looking great! I remember how she looked befor you purchased it. You have done a great service by restoring her. Cheers...

  2. Kurt,

    it was a pleasure to meet you and talk about your house Saturday during your open house. Thanks for much for throwing your door open to us all. I'm delighted with what you've done with your house. It's wonderful.

